Rethinking Campaign Promotions
I’ve pulled a few of my favorite individual campaign promotions from over the years.
This campaign was absolutely one of my favorites. We placed these boards around campus for about two weeks. They were fresh and clean, and people forgot about them rather quickly. Once we were ready to launch our information security awareness month campaign at, we took a night to go out and deface our existing signage. We also found sprayable marker board markers and spray “painted” marker boards in classroom buildings.
Outcomes: We got the most video views to date for this specific campaign. We also won a silver quill award from IABC.
So what did I learn?
It really pays to get to know the building proctors. They can help with unique campaign ideas, but only if you treat them like human beings.
Also, this was one of those campaigns that taught me that there is always a way to make it happen. You just have to ask the right questions, and keep your eyes open.
Covid Friendly NFC Posters
This issue of Benefactor magazine was released during 2020 - mid covid pandemic. We wanted to put something in the magazine racks around Wehner, but we weren’t giving away the magazine. So I came up with a completely touchless way to get the magazine using NFC tag stickers. They were stuck to the back of a laminated poster that was then zip tied into magazine racks.
So what did I learn?
ALWAYS use UTM codes for tracking. We did not get a lot of data from this placement because the building was practically empty during the pandemic. However, I really appreciate this technique and am looking forward to trying out more touchless promotions.
I’d also like to put touchless social media account beacons on welcome desks. The options are endless with this technology.
Experimental AR & VR
I deeply enjoy finding new and interesting ways of telling stories. Lately I have been experimenting with AR & VR spaces, 3d modeling, and 3d printing.
So what did I learn?
So much! AR/VR, 3d printing, and 3d modeling have so much potential and room to grow. These experiences, if done intentionally, have so much to add to a marketing campaign or exciting event experience.
MBA Campaign Materials
We ran the advertising campaign for our MBA programs each year. These campaigns generally had a budget of around $2m. Each campaign was unique and full of strategy in concert with our Media Buyers - Next Media in Dallas.